Oct 22, 2020 - 02:11 PM
Yes, the tongue and groove construction of this shed ensures a tight fit between the boards and makes it waterproof. While provided roof boards are also tongue and groove, exterior roofing such as shingles, is required to ensure the roof is well protected.
Regarding wood treatment, the wood of our sheds is absolutely pure and not treated with any chemicals. For termite treatment, it is best to consult with local hardware stores that typically carry products most appropriate for your particular area. There is a variety of termite species across the US and there are different products that work best for specific termite species. Our customers who prefer to maintain a chemical-free environment use physical termite barriers instead of liquid-based treatments.
Regarding wood treatment, the wood of our sheds is absolutely pure and not treated with any chemicals. For termite treatment, it is best to consult with local hardware stores that typically carry products most appropriate for your particular area. There is a variety of termite species across the US and there are different products that work best for specific termite species. Our customers who prefer to maintain a chemical-free environment use physical termite barriers instead of liquid-based treatments.
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